From Manual to Automated:
How Quality Logo Products
Found Success With PurelyHR

Established in 2003, Quality Logo Products (QLP) is one of the top promotional product distributors in the US with customers around the world.

Promotional Products & Apparel
Aurora, IL
PurelyHR Users
PurelyHR Modules Used
Staff, Time-Off, Time-Clock

QLP was founded in 2003 by friends Bret Bonnet (President) and Michael Wenger (Vice-President). In the beginning, they worked out of the basement of Bret’s house. They’ve come a long way since then and as they experienced growth, they found a need to expand their business toolkit, as well.

We sat down with Michael to learn more about the HR side of their company, from the challenges they faced prior to PurelyHR to the results of implementing a leave management system.

Before implementing PurelyHR into their everyday HR tasks, QLP was using a program that integrated with Outlook to manage their employees’ time off. Their biggest issue was they had to manually enter data into spreadsheets which made it both time consuming to maintain and difficult to analyze.

And, QLP were not alone in this. We still hear from a lot of businesses who are using manual PTO and attendance tracking methods like email, spreadsheets, and paper documents. In fact, a 2020 study from Pricewaterhouse Coopers found that 74% of companies planned to increase their spending on cloud HR software last year. As companies continue to find ways to streamline and automate everyday tasks, HRIS software like PurelyHR leads the way in responding to these areas of concern.

"The amount of hours we saved isn’t even quantifiable. PurelyHR saved us a ton of time; it just made us a better company."

The Search for Better Leave Management

By 2012, QLP’s team had expanded to over 65 employees. This is when Bret and Michael began their search for a better human resources management method to replace their tedious spreadsheets. They were looking for a software that offered flexibility, a fantastic user interface, a platform that was responsive and also customizable. They also recognized that changing the way their business operated for almost a decade wasn’t going to be the easiest task so the solution needed to be simple to adapt to. After a few days of research (and a few too many cups of coffee, according to Michael), the QLP owners found the solution to their problem: Time-Off.

So why did the QLP managers and employees choose the new system?

"The UI was extremely easy to manipulate. Everything is there, it’s simple, and the amount of work to do it, little,” said Michael. He continued: “We hire great people and if the tools that we provide them are not great, then how are these great people going to stay motivated to do the job that they have been hired to do?"

PurelyHR Was Built on Customer Relationships

After deciding on PurelyHR, QLP had some questions about customization. They reached out to the Customer Success team looking for a solution to accommodate one of their specific needs and were pleasantly surprised to receive a quick response from the PurelyHR team. Not long after the request, our Development team had created a feature to allow QLP (and other companies) to track employees’ performance review dates (this was before Performance™ was launched, of course).
One of the most valuable ways to improve our platform is hearing from our customers about their experiences with PurelyHR. We prioritize our relationship with our customers and work hard to listen to concerns, respond quickly, and find solutions for all of the businesses we serve.

QLP Solves a Hardware Hangup with a Software Solution

Fast forward to 2016, the QLP team kept growing and new HR obstacles started to appear. At that time, QLP used digital fingerprint pads to track their employees’ arrivals and departures.

There was a major drawback though: employees would often forget to clock in and out.
With an expanding team and roles both in and out of the office, they needed to find a new way to ensure time was being tracked properly. They implemented Time-Clock so their employees could clock in and out (with restrictions that suited their business) and found a solution to their growing pains.

Some of the key areas PurelyHR has helped QLP with (besides saving a ton of time), include:

Communication and transparency: Transparent leave balances, access to employee data at any time, and hours worked are just a few areas that are no longer a mystery for QLP employees.

Accessibility: Employee self-serve functionality allows employees to keep their information up-to-date. And, wave goodbye to your filing cabinets! Securely store and access key information from anywhere.

Compliance: Improved tracking and transparency can help your business ensure you’re following local laws, for example, overtime and FMLA requirements.

Ready to see how you can improve leave management (and
other everyday HR tasks) at your own organization?
Start a free 21-day trial today!